Shane Leonard has called for the regularly scheduled monthly IEDA Meeting to be held Tuesday, February 21, 2023. It will be held as a hybrid meeting, with in-person and an online option for those who plan to attend virtually.
The meeting will be held at the Arizona Power Authority (1810 W. Adams, Phoenix, AZ 85007) and begin at 2:30 p.m (or immediately after the APA meeting).
A WAPA SPP-DSW Meeting is scheduled for the morning of the 21st, delaying our meeting time until the afternoon. For the sake of time, we will not have a guest speaker at this meeting.
A Board report is provided, and is attached for your information. Not everything will behighlighted at the meeting, but feel free to bring up any items on the report for discussion.
Photo by Cody Hiscox on Unsplash